Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Promise of a New Day

Just two years ago no one could have told me that I'd be blogging, let alone blogging something positive. I was the type of person who only cared about personal gain and living life just for that moment. Even married with children I'd take a "me first" attitude when it came to anything important.

What changed? Was it the unconditional love of my wife? Quitting drinking? Love for my children?

How about all of the above. You see God opens our eyes to things around us that are important and he promises that things will only brighten and get better. You see, we are guaranteed a hard life, but through Chrsit we find that we have a tool that no one else has...an easy button.

When things are going wrong and seem as though they will not get better, all that it takes is to fall on our knees and pray. Just say, "I trust you God. I give my worries, my sins, and my struggles to you." Then comes the hard part...

Believing that what you said will manifest. Through faith we succeed in our darkest hour and make it through to the next part. Believe me when I say that everything is in his plan and that there is a lesson for us on in each others destiny with the Lord. We are connected through his grace and its time to take it for what its worth.

We are not guaranteed tomorrow, but we are promised a new day. A much better way of life. Most of all we are promised love. Try it for a week. Just pray. Pray once a day for a week and tell me what happened because I'd love to know. Be honest too. God knows the difference between playing games and sincerity. So, be sincere.

We should all pray for victory.

I'd like to end this right. Read Ecclesiastes 3:1-10

Happy reading.

Min. Clarence E. Ware II

Monday, August 10, 2009

Living Life Sitting on Rusted Nails

The world is wrought with many problems. Here is an example. Tom Cruise denounced the use of meds for women after child birth. Then he himself is denounced as a lunatic. Then he comes back again explaining himself deeper. Then its said once again that he's a serious loon.

Recently a man refused medical help for his daughter, who in turn was dying. He wanted to pray the illness away. He too was called a nut, but yet and still a person who commits heinous crimes like purposely killing his family or a woman cannibalizing her child simply have mental and/or emotional problems.

Whats wrong there?

A man is mentally ill for believing that mental illness can be cured with his faith alone, albeit in a scientific way? Another man deserves prison because he believed and had faith that his daughter's illness would go away if he prayed enough? But oh, if you kill someone from not getting your meds, then you simply have a reactionary problem when not on your meds...

I'm not a doctor. I don't profess to be one, but are these people who are judging the folks who were acting on faith, ministers by any chance? Isn't it the professional expertise of a minister to speak on faith rather than a doctor, or even a lawyer? I mean come on. Doctors, lawyers, and social workers all go into a frenzy when you tell them how to handle something in their field, but why does no one seem to consult clergymen when there is something in our field that needs to be addressed?

Think of it this way...would you want a lawyer to do gastric bypass surgery on you? How about a firefighter trying your case as the judge? Would you want a corrections officer delivering your child? Then tell me why it is that when a clergyman may be able to shed some light on things, we are only contacted in extreme and sometimes media based cases?

Why aren't we contacted before the child is born? When it is first found out that a person is in depression? You know, it can be very comforting to have your Minister with you when you go to see a therapist. We can give great comfort during a trial. Most of all, its our job to do so.

Many ministers do not wish to do every part of the job, but we are supposed to. Its time to demand this from your ministers. Support. We have to do the job, its part of the deal.

What am I getting at? The world seems to be falling apart without God. We can do just fine without religion, but not without representatives of the Lord. When its all said and done and you cannot find any ministers around, look up and ask yourself "who is spreading the word?" and if you can respond, "no one" then you will know that its all but over.

Whether you are an Atheist, Agnostic, Hindu, Muslim, Hebrew, or Wiccan. You need to know and understand that we are not only here for Christians and followers of Christ. We are here for everyone and for any reason.

Listen, there are just far too many suicides, too much hopelessness, and way too many domestic killings to not at least have a small inkling to contact a minister who will at least speak with you both open and honest.

Contact your local minister! Don't live life sitting on a rusted nail.

Min. Clarence E. Ware II

Trust In Him

I started blogging with another idea in mind. Even with the same title. I ended up getting rid of the last blog and started this one. Why?

The answer is never too far from the very tip of your fingers. When you have a mission for God, you find that He and only He is in control. You know what though, there are a lot of people who truly believe that we are all batty. At one time I would have jumped right on into that pool, but the many blessings that God gives are so real. They are very real. I ask and receive. With every heartbeat and every breath, God gives me just that little bit extra to continue.

It gets so difficult to carry on sometimes, but my Faith in the Lord carries me. The Lord himself carries me through and with His strength I conquer all and defeat the odds. People aften pay lip service about the wonders of His presence, but his miracles are true and the supernatural is real.

When God grants me the power to move from one place to another, whether it is physical or mental...its a supernatural thing. This is where so many fall short of truly seeing what God is capable of. He is beyond the natural world. The inventor of the physical and scientific world. That which is difficult becomes easy, but all it takes is to ask.

HOW do you ask? Prayer. Really pray for what you want. Pray hard and pray for real and with your heart. Confess your sins...literally. Tell Him what you have done, even though he already knows. Praise Him in the hard times and in the easy times. Praise Him all of the time. Give Him but moment of your time and He'll give you eternity. Pray to be able to see blessings when they are granted, pray those blessings into existence. Be sincere in your prayers. Be humble in your prayers. You "google" everything else, so "google" the Lord in prayer. Let him know your struggles, your hardships, your pain, and your misery. Tell him all about it.

Watch the changes in your life. The whole ebb and flow of your personality. Most of all, watch love come into your life in ways that you have never imagined.

Just trust in him and you'll see, God will make your life far better than it ever has been.

Min. Clarence E. Ware II

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Beginning of a New Day

Sometimes when I get up, I definitely feel lost and worried. That is until I pray. The Lord answers all of my prayers and in due time. I effortlessly make it through with prayer. Do I yet make mistakes? Oh yeah! It happens. I work to apologize to those I have offended and I work even harder to make sure it doesn't happen again.

I'm a grown man and sure I should have it all together, but that's just not the way it works. It takes hardship, praise, self respect, and more than anything it takes Faith in God.

So what am I saying that you have not already heard? Nothing? So why is that so many don't even make an effort?

No one likes being accountable. We and I said "we" have finger-point-idus and could give two boots less of how to fix things within ourselves. Too few answers at church. You ask a question you get a scripture, you ask a question you're told to have faith, you ask a question and you just get no answers. The reason is that the Ministry no longer wants to work. We live in a pass the buck atmosphere where its so much easier to say..."Whew, I almost had to be a minister right there."

We are not here just to wake up and say "WOW, I'm a minister." We are here as your servants. Yes we are here to shepherd you, and lead you and to that end this is a service.

What I am letting you, the reader, know is this. Someone does love you, someone is here, and someone has been appointed to do what so many others have refused to do for you.

This is the beginning of a new day. No more worrying about my own problems, or making too much time for nothing. We are getting on the stick. I'm asking other ministers to do the same. Be a Knight of God and do what it is that he has appointed you to do. Lets get off of the judging of the person, but rather the convicting of the spirit. We have no more time to try and be elitists. Jesus Christ was a carpenter and a humble one at that.

Lets do that folks. Lets get to be humble Knights under the banner of God and do what is right. The time is now. Not later!