Friday, September 25, 2009

Who Is Satan?

Why is this question so important to ask? Because, the greatest trick that the devil has been able to pull, is proving that he does not exist.

Yes. I can easily say that the devil is in the details or that "the world" is of the devil, but how does that really affect you to see that written? Anger, at me? Laughter, at me? Nonchance, at me?

Do you really think that we like saying that there is a Satan, Hell, and eternal torment? As a matter and fact is there some type of reason to believe that there is an enjoyment in saying things that make you feel condemned? Convicted...YES, condemned...NO! Yet there are no compunctions with saying it. I rather enjoy letting guys know what the Bible says about something.

The Bible. That is where my words and thoughts come from. Every post is inspired from something that I have read in the Bible. I do not sit here and simply express opinions, they do you and me no good whatsoever. I am merely repeating what I see in the Bible and I tell people what it says in a way that you can understand. This doesn't mean that I'm making it up or trying to control you, its quite the opposite.

God is all about free will, but this is the way of America as well. Are there not repercussions to your actions? Why would anyone believe that Heaven and eternal peace would be waiting if you have done the exact opposite of what God asks? Does this mean, "Be perfect?" No. This means seek salvation. Seek God, seek Heaven, fight Satan!

Who is Satan?

Satan is the temptation to do wrong. Satan is that gray area all the way back. Satan is lies, trickery, hate, murder, theft, and lust. He is so much more. He is the embodiment of the deception against God and the Bible. Satan is Legion, he is many. Satan is the need for many and much. Satan is the world. He owns the world and lives in it. See: Job 1:6-7

Be careful brothers and sisters and do not be deceived. If you want to hear God, look no further than the voice in your head telling you to do the right thing. Rejoice, but be ready to listen as well.

Min. Clarence E. Ware II

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